Selasa, 05 April 2016

unexpected weight loss during pregnancy

Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant need to be aware of this link -- aborting their baby can actually increase their risk for breast cancer (whether a recurrence or a new cancer)...

The media, along with organizations like Planned Parenthood, have swept this under the rug. 53 studies in 54 years is not insignificant. Even if you take into account that some studies may not have had great numbers or what-have-you.

So again, even if PP claims to be concerned for womens health and breast cancer in particular, they should pay attention to this type of information. Think before you pink, because some of the organizations that claim to support research for the cure are in truth in bed with PP!

This second article doesnt related to breast cancer persay, but it does play into it in a way. Many women (and men) face depression during their battle with cancer (or by being a caregiver for a cancer victim). However, studies that show that abortions may increase the risk of suicide following depression. I think the article is mostly referencing cases where post-abortive women face depression and/suicidal thoughts, but the premise is the same... PP would rather not share the truth about their services and the after-effects.

This third link again is not specifically for breast cancer, but the tie-in that I have found evidence that hormonal drugs increase the risks of breast cancers. These drugs are also dangerous for your health and life...

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